How to Get the Best Possible Start at University or College
College can be a rite of passage. Unfortunately, it can also
be a rite of passage that’s often rife with obstacles, confusion and stress.
For most students, stress and confusion begins as soon as the first semester or
classes begin. However, there are some ways you can alleviate this stress and
confusion. Doing this, will give you a head start and help make you a
successful student in the future. To start your first school year successfully:
• Find a Nice,
Quiet Place to Study
• Research Your
Classes and Professors
• Track Your
Assignments and Exams
Find a
Nice, Quiet Place to Study
It doesn’t matter if you live in a residence hall or in University
of Alberta off campus housing, you should explore your new environment
to find potential places to study. The most obvious and common study areas
include the library and study lounges. Additionally, reading rooms or learning
commons can also be quiet, less crowded places to study. However, you should be
on the look out for unlikely and interesting study areas.
Your Classes and Professors
Before starting your courses, you should research them and
your professors. This will help you get acquainted with the course material
before the semester begins. It will also help you learn what to expect as a
student and from each of your classes and instructors. You might need this
basic preparation later, such as when you move off campus and search for apartments
for rent near University of Alberta. To prepare for your classes and
academic life:
• Learn your
professors’ names, email addresses, phone numbers, offices hours and locations,
student expectations and professional and academic expertise and backgrounds
• Obtain all
textbooks and other course materials
• Find a “study
buddy,” study group or someone to share notes and other course material with
• Read the
syllabi for all your courses
• Consult with
your advisor on potential complicated courses
• Research and
record drop dates, as well as the drop procedures
• Memorise your
student identification number
• Skim your
student handbook and read the most important or relevant sections, such as
penalties for rule violations, procedures for dropping classes or taking a
hiatus, etc.
Track Your
Assignments and Exams
The most prepared and successful students usually create and
maintain course calendars that feature pertinent information about their
classes, assignments and exams. This calendar is an effective way to map out
your assignments, track project milestones or deadlines and record exam dates.
It’s also a great place to record grades, track progress on assignments or
papers and set academic goals. For the best results, record all due dates on
your calendar at the beginning of the first semester, chart the steps and
milestones that will help you complete major papers or assignments, create
realistic daily, weekly and monthly goals and sync your calendar milestones
with smartphone alerts (unless the calendar is stored on the phone). Creating a
calendar can make you a more successful student, but it should be paired with
proper time management. Try not to procrastinate, cram or begin assignments or
papers at the last minute. This will help ensure your work is organised and
well thoughtout.
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