Study Tips — That Really Work!
Sick of getting study advice that fails? If you're dreading test and exam preparation and are struggling to get the marks you want, the problem could be in your approach to studying. Whereas common study tactics are helpful for some people, they may not do you any good. What you need are methods that are scientifically proven to work! Let's take a look: Test Yourself There’s a reason flashcards are so popular — they work! Flashcards provide you with a quick and easy way to test yourself on facts that you know will be in exams. Find questions at the end of books to use on your flashcards or write down key information as you look over the material you covered in class. This technique is also great for studying as a group. Spread Out Your Studying You’ve probably heard that it’s a bad idea to cram, but maybe you continue to do it anyway. What you need to realize is that it’s impossible to retain a large amount of information the night before your exam. Never feel guilty a...