Money-Saving Tips for Students
Your college or university years are exciting, full of new experiences and challenges. Living away from home for the first time, learning new skills and meeting new people are just some of the many things you're set to experience, but they all come with a price tag. There's no doubting it, post-secondary can be expensive, and so learning how to budget your money will be key. Take a look at some of the proven tips you can put into practice as a student this year: Minimize Dining Out Eating out on a regular basis can add up quickly and may not be the healthiest choice. Purchase a meal plan if you live in residence, or prepare your own meals in your off-campus apartment or home. Learn some quick, simple recipes, create a meal plan, prep or cook in advance, and freeze your leftovers. Travel with snacks to avoid splurging at vending machines or purchasing fast food, and be sure to purchase your groceries at actual grocery stores, as they’re much more affordable th...