Should You Bring Your Car to School?
A big decision before heading off to university is whether or not you should bring a car. Your choice will influence factors like where you can live, how you get around, and how much you’ll spend. To make sure you choose right, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. Do You Need a Car? A car may make traveling between home and school much easier, especially if you live in off-campus University of Alberta housing . Owning a car may also be necessary if you want an off-campus job or internship. Can You Afford a Car? When you evaluate how much it will cost to have a car, be sure to take gas, parking, registration, and repairs all into account. If it’s not strictly necessary to have a car, you will be able to use that saved money for other activities. Even if you need to take public transportation sometimes, this will likely be cheaper than maintaining a car. Will a Car Be a Help or a Hindrance? It may seem like having a car could only help yo...